As you may be aware, a new Co-Op Academy will be opening near Belle Vue in September 2021. Please find the school’s prospectus below:
Latest COVID Update Letter for Parents
Please see the attached letter for the latest advice around COVID from school.
Free School Meals Info Letter
Please see the attached letter for the latest news on how to claim Free School Meals during half term.
COVID Update Letter for Parents
Please see the attached letter for the latest news from the school on COVID.
Year 5 - Ancient Greece Day Letter
Read here to find out about Year 5 Ancient Greek Day on
Home Learning-How to Use SeeSaw
If your child needs to self-isolate they will be sent learning to complete each day through the SeeSaw app. Your child should access it daily and complete it by 3pm. Their teacher will mark it. Your child will have used SeeSaw in school so should know how it works. However, if you need help with how SeeSaw works, watch the How To video made by Miss Wardle.
MacMillan Coffee Morning Letter - How can you help this year?
Due to the current situation, we will not be able to invite parents and carers into school for our annual MacMillan Coffee Morning to raise money for MacMillan cancer charity. Please see the attached letter for how we are supporting this year.
Important information from Public Health England regarding what you should do if you think your child has COVID symptoms.
Please click below for information on what you should do if you think your child has symptoms of COVID 19.
PE Updates Letter 22.09.2020
Please find information on PE kits in the attached letter.
How to access Oxford Owl free eBooks Letter
Please find information on how to access Oxford Owl free eBooks for your child.
COVID Update Letter 15.09.2020
Please find attached a letter in response to the current COVID situation.
SEND Local Offer Summer Newsletter
Click here to view the Manchester SEND local offer newsletter. This has the details of local events tailored for SEND children.
Letter to Parents - 18th March 2020
Please find a letter attached updating parents on the current situation in school:
Christmas Holidays
School will close at 1pm on Friday 20th December 2019 for the Christmas break. We will look forward to seeing the children back on Tuesday 7th January 2020!
Old Hall Drive - Evacuation Book
Christmas Events 2019
Kiwi trip to Blackpool
Kiwi trip to Paradise Island
School reopening today
We are pleased to inform you that school will be open as normal today (Thursday 31st January 2019).
School closed due to snow
We are sorry to inform you that due to the bad weather conditions school is closed today (Wednesday 30th January). We will keep you informed for tomorrow via the school website and Facebook page.