It's a new school year and time for a new Kiwi club.
The Kiwi club has been busy!
Tesco competition winners!
Kiwi trip to The Place to Potter
Kiwi trip to Manor Park
African food tasting in year 4
SATs: Information for parents
Each year the children in years 2 & 6 sit national tests to assess English and maths. Please click the link for a parents' guide to the tests. There are also two short videos which give an quick overview of the tests and ways to support your child at this important time.
If you have any questions please ask a member of the year 2 or 6 teams.
Kiwi trip to Smithills Farm
Year 4 Show - 'Pirates of the Curry Bean'
Writers of the Spring Term!
Mathematicians of the Spring Term
Stars of the term!
Easter holidays
School will be closed for the Easter break from Thursday 29th March at 1:30pm until Thursday 12th April. We hope that everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday!