Walks to support Autistic people and children over the school holidays.
Manchester Local Offer
Questionnaire: Supporting Special Educational Needs during lockdown
School full reopening - Monday 8th March
Working with your child during lockdown: Parent workshop
Educational psychologists, Abigail and Audrey from One Education, work with nurseries, schools and colleges in Manchester and they will give some information and tips about how to work with your child during lockdown.
Virtual coffee morning
The One Future Offer
Mindfulness workshop for parents
Get ready for Weduc!
Parent Workshop: Key Stage 2 Maths
Coffee Morning Feedback
Wellbeing and Mindfulness Online Parent Workshop
There will be a workshop over Zoom on Thursday 4th February at 9:30am to provide parents with information to support children with wellbeing and mindfulness. This workshop is aimed at all parents and carers. If you would like to attend the workshop then please email parentsupport@oldhalldrive.manchester.sch.uk or text the school. If you cannot watch at the time, the video will be available to view later.
Weekly food hampers - week 3
Virtual coffee morning
Phonics and Reading Online Parent Workshop
BBC Educational TV
Courses available to support parents with home schooling
Remote Learning Guide: EYFS - Year 2
In EYFS - Year 2, we are using SeeSaw to deliver home learning during the national lockdown. Please see the document below for a step by step guide for parents.